

Sweets recommendation

hello everyone!

I'm Tanaka from "Kome Dreaming ~GIFT & CRAFT Mita~".

This time, I suddenly decided to type away on the keyboard.

The theme was "Why do we want to eat something sweet when we're busy?"

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[Warming up] "Poor circulation" differs between men and women!

hello everyone!

I'm Yoshimura, a staff member at Komedoriming ~GIFT & CRAFT Mita~.

Are you starting to notice the difference in temperature between morning and night at this time of year?

For those who suffer from coldness...!

Did you know that the causes of cold sensitivity differ between men and women?

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What are enzymes? We introduce their characteristics and three tips for taking them effectively!

In recent years, with the rise in epidemics and the number of people working from home, I think there has been increased interest in health in the world.

I used to go to the office until a few years ago, but now I often work from home.

During work hours, I sit in a chair at home facing my computer, and some days I only walk a few hundred steps...

I was worried about whether my body would be okay if I continued like this, so I started doing strength training at home and researching nutrition.

This time, I'll focus on enzymes and introduce their characteristics as well as three tips for taking enzymes effectively!

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What is rice resin?

hello everyone!

I'm Tanaka from "Kome Dreaming ~GIFT & CRAFT Mita~".

This time we will talk about "rice resin".

It's not a term you hear very often, and I only learned of its existence when my purchasing manager brought it up to me.

This time we will be telling you about this newcomer, rice resin!

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A must-see for those who want to spend the hot summer energetically! The charm of fermented foods and rice koji amazake


I'm Nakamura, a staff member of "Kome Dreaming ~GIFT & CRAFT Mita~" (nicknamed Komedori)!

We are experiencing an unbelievable heat wave, how is everyone doing?

This time, I'd like to tell you about my favorite fermented food and the appeal of rice koji amazake, an item that helps you stay energetic during the hot summer!

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What is the appeal of rice flour, which is also great for gluten-free meals? Towards a healthy Japan through rice flour♪

What image comes to mind when you hear the word rice flour?

In recent years, I learned that a close friend of mine has a wheat allergy and is living a gluten-free lifestyle, which involves not consuming the gluten contained in wheat, so I went to the supermarket to look for products that do not contain wheat flour.

However, most products contain wheat flour, and there are very few gluten-free products...

After that, I started researching various things, such as what kinds of products are available that use rice flour and what rice flour even is in the first place.

This time, we will focus on rice flour and introduce the differences between rice flour and wheat flour, its merits and points to note, the different types of rice flour, and recommended ways to eat it.

By the time you finish reading this article, you will be able to say that you have joined the ranks of rice flour masters! We will explain everything in detail, so please give it a read.

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